Winter Garden
Winter Gardens can be beautiful, the winter garden is the structure of the garden bringing texture, colour and life into the garden in the colder months. There are plenty of ways to make your garden glow in the dark winter months.
Ideas for Winter Friendly Plants:
Evergreen plants such as the Holly, Berberis juliana, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’ with its wonderful tassles that look amazing against a blue sky or covered in a frost.
Winter Blooming flowers: Plants like Helleborus, choose a white flowered one for shady areas the deeper red will get lost in the dark. Galanthus (Snowdrops) are a treat in the winter garden.
Interesting Bark and Stems: Cornus Sanguinea Midwinter Fire or Alba with their orange and red new growth really brighten up the winter months. The trees Acer griseum or Prunus serrula have beautiful peeling bark with coppery colours.
Climbers: The Jasmine trachelospernum can add all year round interest with the leaves turning red in autumn and winter. We used it here on the Pergola in this garden in Cotsolds.
Winter Garden Features to Consider:
Sculptures or Statues: Made of stone, metal or wood can offer a focal point in the garden adding additional interest.
Bird Feeders: These attract wildlife into your garden and it’s wonderful to see the variety of garden birds coming to your garden.
Garden Lighting: You can add solar power lighting if you don’t have existing lighting.
A Garden for all Seasons
Your garden can be beautiful even in the winter, embracing the season. If you need help with your garden for border design or garden design please contact us for an informal chat.
#Gardening Tips