Garden Tips Cold Weather
The cold weather is due again.
Protect your Pots
If you have plants that need protecting such as Bay or Olive Trees cover them with horticultural fleece.
Remember that plants in pots are susceptible to the roots freezing and sometimes your pots can split. So if you can wrap your pots with bubble wrap or hessian, or both if you want a more asthetic look. Another option is bringing them under cover of the garage or a shed to stop the worst.
If you can’t fit them in the garage you can protect pots by moving them away from an east facing direction. This stops the early morning sun getting to the plant leaves and melting the frost too quickly which can cause the plant capillaries to split. Those leaves will be damaged and will brown and it will look like they’ve burnt.
Another Garden tip in the Cold Weather is to cover the top of the pots with mulch. This not only feeds them but gives the roots extra protection in the winter.
Indoor Plants
If we reach freezing temperatures remember that your plants sitting on window sills will get cold at night when the heating isn’t on and the curtains are drawn. This area becomes a cold pocket so take the plants off the windows sills at night. Sadly I forgot this advice and my orchid dropped all its blossoms overnight having had months of glorious flowers.
Samantha Willis is a garden designer in Oxfordshire designing gardens in Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds to look beatiful all year round. If you need help with your garden please don’t hesitate to contact us for border design, completer garden design and landscaping. contact us
The BBC has a good garden tips cold weather if you’d like some more help. BBC Cold Weather