Catalogues have been dropping on my doorstep for a few months now and I’ve been enjoying browsing the options. If you haven’t yet ordered your Spring flowering bulbs get on with it, planting bulbs is between October and November. Bulbs need the nice cold weather to get them started.
Bulbs in winter
It is the cold winter that is needed to stimulate stem growth, a temperature of 10c or below is required. Ideally these bulbs need at least 10 weeks.
Planting your Spring Flowering Bulbs
Follow the instructions on the package for your bulbs for planting but the majority of bulbs need 3 times the depth of the bulb for planting. I often plant my bulbs in amongst the herbaceous border then when the flowers have died back the new herbaceous growth hides the leaves.
This is a great trick for the big Alliums as their leaves are ungainly when they are in flower.
One of my favourite little Spring flowering bulbs is Scilla siberica, this dainty bulb produces a lovely blue flower that reaches 10cms high or if you prefer you can have the the Scilla siberica Alba for a white flower head. I also always have a Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop) in my garden, it’s always a pleasure to see them.
J Parkers and Sarah Raven for lots of inspiration
A company have know for years is Fentongollan Flower Farm in Cornwall, fondly known as the Fentongollan finishing school for those of us that wanted summer jobs. Many of us spent a convivial summer on the flower farm in the bulb sorting and packaging sheds. After a few weeks we were all able to identify different daffodil bulbs.
So enjoy the catalogue trawl, the planting and then sit back and enjoy the winter waiting for your Spring Flowers.